12 research outputs found

    La ricerca sulle metafore linguistiche: aspetti metodologici e impatto sulle pratiche educative. Uno studio nell’ambito della Medicina Generale

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    L’obiettivo di questo intervento è di comprendere come raccogliere e utilizzare le metafore linguistiche nella ricerca educativa, partendo da uno studio su questi temi effettuato nella Medicina Generale (MG). Tale studio segue l’approccio della fenomenologia ermeneutica ed è articolato nella fase di revisione della letteratura e nella fase di ricerca sul campo, in via di attuazione. Mediante questo studio si cerca di comprendere se identificare le rappresentazioni dei curanti sulle metafore linguistiche possa rivelarsi utile per la loro formazione/educazione e pratica clinica. Dieci partecipanti verranno intervistati attraverso l’intervista fenomenologica, conducendo un periodo di osservazione sul campo, per esplorare l’uso di metafore nelle loro prassi. Tale ricerca qualitativa si basa sul metodo dell’Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. La finalità di questo specifico intervento è di sviluppare nuove vie nella ricerca educativa che aumentino la consapevolezza sull’importanza delle metafore linguistiche nelle pratiche educative, oltre che nei contesti sanitari

    Translational Research in the Era of Precision Medicine: Where We Are and Where We Will Go

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    The advent of Precision Medicine has globally revolutionized the approach of translational research suggesting a patient-centric vision with therapeutic choices driven by the identification of specific predictive biomarkers of response to avoid ineffective therapies and reduce adverse effects. The spread of "multi-omics" analysis and the use of sensors, together with the ability to acquire clinical, behavioral, and environmental information on a large scale, will allow the digitization of the state of health or disease of each person, and the creation of a global health management system capable of generating real-time knowledge and new opportunities for prevention and therapy in the individual person (high-definition medicine). Real world data-based translational applications represent a promising alternative to the traditional evidence-based medicine (EBM) approaches that are based on the use of randomized clinical trials to test the selected hypothesis. Multi-modality data integration is necessary for example in precision oncology where an Avatar interface allows several simulations in order to define the best therapeutic scheme for each cancer patient

    I modelli linguistici di IA possono migliorare la ricerca nelle Scienze Umane? Analisi fenomenologica e direzioni future

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    The article explores the use of the “ChatGPT” artificial intelligence language model in the Human Sciences field. ChatGPT uses natural language processing techniques to imitate human language and engage in artificial conversations. While the platform has gained attention from the scientific community, opinions on its usage are divided. The article presents some conversations with ChatGPT to examine ethical, relational and linguistic issues related to human-computer interaction (HCI) and assess its potential for Human Sciences research. The interaction with the platform recalls the “uncanny valley” phenomenon still known to Social Robotics. While ChatGPT can be beneficial, it requires proper supervision and verification of its results. Furthermore, new research methods must be developed for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.L'articolo esplora l’uso del modello linguistico di intelligenza artificiale “ChatGPT” nel campo delle scienze umane. ChatGPT utilizza tecniche di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale per imitare il linguaggio umano e avviare conversazioni artificiali. Sebbene la piattaforma abbia ottenuto l’attenzione della comunità scientifica, le opinioni sul suo utilizzo sono discordanti. L’articolo presenta alcune conversazioni con ChatGPT per esaminare le questioni etiche, relazionali e linguistiche legate all'interazione uomo-computer (HCI) e valutare il suo potenziale per la ricerca nelle Scienze Umane. L’interazione con la piattaforma ricorda il fenomeno della “uncanny valley” già noto alla Robotica Sociale. Sebbene ChatGPT possa essere utile, esso richiede un’adeguata supervisione e verifica dei risultati. Inoltre, è necessario sviluppare nuovi metodi di ricerca qualitativi, quantitativi e misti


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    The recent pandemic led the educative world to radically rethink the teaching setting. The goal of this article isto analyze an embodied simulation strategy (the Walt Disney method) as an experiential technique ofdramatization in media distance learning contexts. The eco-mindstorming approach is presented, included in theembodied cognition framework read in the light of the neuroscientific discoveries of mirroring systems and theecological nature of learning processes. This approach, which has an ecopedagogical matrix, aims to facilitateinnovative, creative and stimulating teaching-educational strategies (e.g., virtual role playing, embodiedsimulation) to enhance cognitive-bodily and metacognitive functions and skills, as well as affective and socio-relational skills through play.La recente pandemia ha portato il mondo della formazione a ripensare radicalmente il setting didattico.L’obiettivo di questo articolo è di analizzare una strategia di embodied simulation (il metodo Walt Disney) cometecnica esperienziale di drammatizzazione in contesti di Media distance learning. Si presenta l’approccio eco-mindstorming, inserito nel framework dell’embodied cognition letta alla luce delle scoperte neuroscientifiche deisistemi di mirroring e della natura ecologica dei processi di apprendimento. Tale approccio, di matriceecopedagogica, intende facilitare strategie didattico-educative innovative, creative e stimolanti (es. role playingvirtuale, embodied simulation) per potenziare funzioni e competenze cognitivo-corporee e metacognitive, oltre askills affettive e socio-relazionali attraverso il gioco.

    Knowledge, Use, and Perceptions of Metaphors Among Allied Health Faculty

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    Allied health professionals spend a considerable amount of time listening to and communicating with patients while providing care. The inclusion of appropriate communication skills as a part of the core curriculum for allied health professions is crucial. Metaphorical representations are used by both patients and healthcare providers when communicating. Patients express their symptoms using metaphors and health professionals may use metaphors to facilitate the provider-patient interaction. It is reasonable to expect that allied health faculty would intentionally train their students in the use of metaphor. However, research on knowledge, use, and perception of metaphors among allied health faculty is absent. To address the gap, our study, by using a 13-question online anonymous survey, aimed to: 1) assess how well faculty of nutrition, respiratory therapy, athletic training, and occupational therapy programs recognize metaphors, and 2) determine if faculty use metaphors when they have to explain a clinical concept. A total of 366 participants completed the survey. Participants agreed on the value of metaphorical communication and showed a willingness to use metaphors in educational settings to teach a clinical concept. Participants were often not able to correctly identify metaphors when used in sentences

    Knowledge, Use, and Perceptions of Metaphors Among Allied Health Faculty

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    Allied health professionals spend a considerable amount of time listening to and communicating with patients while providing care. The inclusion of appropriate communication skills as a part of the core curriculum for allied health professions is crucial. Metaphorical representations are used by both patients and healthcare providers when communicating. Patients express their symptoms using metaphors and health professionals may use metaphors to facilitate the provider-patient interaction. It is reasonable to expect that allied health faculty would intentionally train their students in the use of metaphor. However, research on knowledge, use, and perception of metaphors among allied health faculty is absent. To address the gap, our study, by using a 13-question online anonymous survey, aimed to: 1) assess how well faculty of nutrition, respiratory therapy, athletic training, and occupational therapy programs recognize metaphors, and 2) determine if faculty use metaphors when they have to explain a clinical concept. A total of 366 participants completed the survey. Participants agreed on the value of metaphorical communication and showed a willingness to use metaphors in educational settings to teach a clinical concept. Participants were often not able to correctly identify metaphors when used in sentence

    Heart failure management guided by remote multiparameter monitoring: A meta-analysis

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    Background: Several implant-based remote monitoring strategies are currently tested to optimize heart failure (HF) management by anticipating clinical decompensation and preventing hospitalization. Among these solutions, the modern implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy devices have been equipped with sensors allowing continuous monitoring of multiple preclinical markers of worsening HF, including factors of autonomic adaptation, patient activity, and intrathoracic impedance. Objectives: We aimed to assess whether implant-based multiparameter remote monitoring strategy for guided HF management improves clinical outcomes when compared to standard clinical care. Methods: A systematic literature research for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing multiparameterguided HF management versus standard of care was performed on PubMed, Embase, and CENTRAL databases. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and associated 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using the Poisson regression model with random study effects. The primary outcome was a composite of all-cause death and HF hospitalization events, whereas secondary endpoints included the individual components of the primary outcome. Results: Our meta-analysis included 6 RCTs, amounting to a total of 4869 patients with an average follow-up time of 18 months. Compared with standard clinical management, the multiparameter-guided strategy reduced the risk of the primary composite outcome (IRR 0.83, 95%CI 0.71-0.99), driven by statistically significant effect on both HF hospitalization events (IRR 0.75, 95%CI 0.61-0.93) and all-cause death (IRR 0.80, 95%CI 0.66-0.96). Conclusion: Implant-based multiparameter remote monitoring strategy for guided HF management is associated with significant benefit on clinical outcomes compared to standard clinical care, providing a benefit on both hospitalization events and all-cause death

    Art and digital technologies to support resilience during the oncological journey: The Art4ART project

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    Introduction: New digital technologies can become a tool for welcoming the patient through the artistic dimension. Cancer patients, in particular, need support that accompanies and supports them throughout their treatment. Materials and methods: The Art4ART project consist in the structural proposal to cancer patients of a web-based digital platform containing several forms of art as video-entertainments; a multimedia immersive room; an art-based welcoming of the patients with several original paintings; an environment with a peacefulness vertical garden; a reconceptualization of the chemotherapy-infusion seats. Data regarding patients’ preference and choices will be stored and analysed also using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to measure and predict impact indicators regarding clinical outcomes (survival and toxicity), psychological indicators. Moreover, the same digital platform will contribute to a better organization of the activities. Discussion: Through the systematic acquisition of patient preferences and through integration with other clinical parameters, it will be possible to measure the clinical, psychological, organisational, and social impact of the newly implemented Art4ART project. The use of digital technology leads us to apply the reversal of viewpoint from therapeutic acts to patient-centred care

    Heart failure management guided by remote multiparameter monitoring: A meta-analysis

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    Background: Several implant-based remote monitoring strategies are currently tested to optimize heart failure (HF) management by anticipating clinical decompensation and preventing hospitalization. Among these solutions, the modern implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy devices have been equipped with sensors allowing continuous monitoring of multiple preclinical markers of worsening HF, including factors of autonomic adaptation, patient activity, and intrathoracic impedance. Objectives: We aimed to assess whether implant-based multiparameter remote monitoring strategy for guided HF management improves clinical outcomes when compared to standard clinical care. Methods: A systematic literature research for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing multiparameter-guided HF management versus standard of care was performed on PubMed, Embase, and CENTRAL databases. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and associated 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using the Poisson regression model with random study effects. The primary outcome was a composite of all-cause death and HF hospitalization events, whereas secondary endpoints included the individual components of the primary outcome. Results: Our meta-analysis included 6 RCTs, amounting to a total of 4869 patients with an average follow-up time of 18 months. Compared with standard clinical management, the multiparameter-guided strategy reduced the risk of the primary composite outcome (IRR 0.83, 95%CI 0.71-0.99), driven by statistically significant effect on both HF hospitalization events (IRR 0.75, 95%CI 0.61-0.93) and all-cause death (IRR 0.80, 95%CI 0.66-0.96). Conclusion: Implant-based multiparameter remote monitoring strategy for guided HF management is associated with significant benefit on clinical outcomes compared to standard clinical care, providing a benefit on both hospitalization events and all-cause death

    Personalized Approach for Obese Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

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    Obesity is a chronic, relapsing disease representing a major global health problem in the 21st century. Several etiologic factors are involved in its pathogenesis, including a Western hypercaloric diet, sedentariness, metabolic imbalances, genetics, and gut microbiota modification. Lifestyle modifications and drugs often fail to obtain an adequate and sustained weight loss. To date, bariatric surgery (BS) is the most effective treatment, but only about 1% of eligible patients undergo BS, partly because of its negligible morbidity and mortality. Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) is a minimally invasive, endoscopic, bariatric procedure, which proved to be safe and effective. In this review, we aim to examine evidence supporting the role of a personalized and multidisciplinary approach, guided by a multidisciplinary team (MDT), for obese patients undergoing ESG, from patient selection to long-term follow-up. The cooperation of different health professionals, including an endocrinologist and/or obesity medicine physician, a bariatric surgeon, an endoscopist experienced in bariatrics, a registered dietitian, an exercise specialist, a behaviour coach, a psychologist, and a nurse or physician extender, aims to induce radical and sustained lifestyle changes. We also discussed the relationship between gut microbiota and outcomes after bariatric procedures, speculating that the characterization of gut microbiota before and after ESG may help develop new tools, including probiotics, to optimize weight loss outcomes